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08 - 06 - 24
Palas Print

Poems from the Soul
M. Wynn Thomas


09 - 06 - 24
1:00 - 4:00pm
Palas Print

The Bee Tarot
Kristoffer Hughes


20 - 06 - 23
Palas Print

Carwyn Graves


Past Events

13 - 11 - 23
Going Nuclear
Mabon ap Gwynfor

13 - 11 - 23
Palas Print

Going Nuclear
Mabon ap Gwynfor

25 - 11 - 23 (Sesiwn Llofnodi)
Pryfed Undydd
Andrew Teilo

25 - 11 - 23
Palas Print
Pryfed Undydd
Andrew Teilo


02 - 12 - 23 (Sesiwn Llofnodi)
Yma o Hyd
Dafydd Iwan

02 - 12 - 23
Palas Print
Yma o Hyd
Dafydd Iwan


10 - 11 - 23
Dysgu Nofio / Unspecified Spaces
Iestyn Tyne

10 -11 - 23
Palas Print

Dysgu Nofio
Iestyn Tyne
Unspecified Spaces
Iestyn Tyne

08 - 11 - 23
Mae'r Haul Wedi Dod i Wrecsam
Geraint Lovgreen

08 -11 - 23
Yr Alex, Caernarfon

Mae'r Haul Wedi Dod i Wrecsam
Geraint Lovgreen

06 - 11 - 23
Iwan Rhys

06 -11 - 23
Twthill Vaults

Iwan Rhys


04 - 10 - 23
All through the Night
Dani Robertson efo Mike Parker

04 - 10 - 23
Palas Print

Dani Robertson

Eryri National Park Dark skies Officer
i drafod / to discuss

All Through the Night

gyda / with

Mike Parker


18 - 08 - 23
Gwynt o'r Dwyrain
Sesiwn llofnodi / Signing session, Alun Ffred

Gwynt y Dwyrain
Alun Ffred


26 - 08 - 23
Bwyd Blasus Yashka, Palas Print

09 - 09 - 23
Nonconformist, Jane Parry

Jane Parry


Past Events

06 i 09 - 07 - 23
Gwyl Arall

17 - 06 - 23
Bwyd Blasus Yashka
Gerddi'r Emporiwm Palas Print

17 - 06 - 23
Bwyd Blasus Yashka
@ Palas Print
Tapas for £10

Lemon Chicken, olives and celeriac
Stuffed Squash sticky sesame and Cauliflower
Patatas Bravas
Vegetable Paella
Quinoa, Rocket & Pomegranate
Hummus Dukka,
Bread & Olives

vegi, vegan & GF options

To book your seat contact Palas Print neu Bwyd Blasus Yashka

19 - 06 - 23
Rebel Matter & Poetry’s Geographies
Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Rebel Matter, Víctor Rodríguez Nuñez, translated into English by Katherine M. Hedeen 
Poetry’s Geographies: A Transatlantic Anthology of Translations, edited by Katherine M. Hedeen and Zoë Skoulding, both published by Shearsman Books in 2022. 

The evening will include a reading and discussion with the Cuban poet Víctor Rodríguez Nuñez, on the occasion of a new translation of his poems into English, Rebel Matter, and a presentation of Poetry’s Geographies, an anthology celebrating the work of translation (into English) on both sides of the Atlantic. The event will also feature a reading of Víctor’s poems translated into Welsh by Grug Muse. 

26 - 04 - 23
Palas Print
All the Wide Border
Mike Parker

To Order Tickets

You can collect and pay for your tickets at the shop beforehand. Please let us know if you can't collect from the shop, and we'll keep them on the door for you (provided you have booked)

13 - 05 - 23
Palas Print
Panad a Sgwrs

Ers nifer o flynyddoedd da ni wedi mwynhau croesawu criw o ddysgwyr a siaradwyr Cymraeg i ymgynnull i am sgwrs dros baned mewn awyrgylch gyfeillgar, diogel a chefnogol, ac wedi mwynhau gweld dysgwyr yn datblygu a chroesi'r bont i fod yn siaradwyr Cymraeg rhugl, hyderus a balch. Wrth gwrs, dros y ddwy flynedd a hanner diwethaf, da ni wedi colli gweld pobl a chlywed eu sgyrsiau, a da ni'n hapus iawn i groesawu pobl yn ôl i'r sesiwn anffurfiol hon.

An opportunity for learners to practice their spoken Welsh in a relaxed friendly environment.

Wedi Bod / Past Events

Dathlu #palasprint20 Celebration

Palas Print is now 20 years old, and we wanted to note the occassion with a series of events with authors and books that mean a lot to us or which reflect what we've tried to do with the shop aover the years. There will be many more events over the coming months, but we hope you will join us for some or all of the following events between 8th and 17th September, and thank you for all your support over the years. Eirian a Sel

Nos Iau - Thursday 08 - 09 - 22

Palas Print
Mair ac Angharad Price
yn trafod cefndir O! Tyn y Gorchudd

Gerddi'r Emporiwm Palas Print
Ifor ap Glyn a Hanan Issa

Dau fardd Cenedlaethol yn Palas Print… a ddim am y tro cyntaf (ond stori arall 'di honno)! Ar hyd y blynyddoedd, da ni wedi cynnal nifer fawr o nosweithiau gyda beirdd lleol a rhyngwladol yn y siop ac yn yr ardd, yn aml mewn partneriaeth gyda Ty Newydd neu Adran Saesneg Prifysgol Bangor, neu PEN Cymru. Mae Ifor yn hen gyfarwydd â pherfformio yn y siop ac yng ngardd Palas Print, a braf yw ei groesawu yn ôl i'r ardd. Hwn fydd ei berfformiad olaf swyddogol fel Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru cyn iddo drosgwylddo'r awenau i ddwylo diogel Hanan Issa yn Nhy Newydd yn y pnawn. Da ni'n falch iawn i groesawu'r ddau i'r ardd i gyflwyno eu cerddi i chi

Two national poets in Palas Print... not for the first time, but that's another story. Over the years we've welcomed poets both local and from all corners of the globe to the shop and garden, often in partnership with Ty Newydd, Bangor University's English Department or PEN Cymru among others, to perform in the shop and in the garden. Ifor is a regular performer here, and it is a pleasure to welcome him back, to take part in his last official engagement as National Poet of Wales before he officially hands the baton over to Hanan Issa, the new National Poet of Wales at Ty Newydd in the afternoon. We're delighted to welome them to the garden to introduce their poetry to you.

Thanks to Literature Wales and Ty Newydd for their support in organising this event

Gerddi'r Emporiwm Palas Print
Meinir Pierce Jones

Gerddi'r Emporiwm Palas Print
Charlotte Williams
Sugar and Slate

Un o'r digwyddiadau cyntaf i mi drefnu yn Palas Print oedd noson yng nghwmni Charlotte Williams, awdur Sugar and Slate, llyfr wnaeth argraff ddofn arnaf pan wnes i ei ddarllen nol yn 2002. Roedd y trefniadau (o'm ochr i) ychydig yn flêr! Doedd 'na ddim PA, dim cadeiriau, dim llwyfan... a doedd gen i ddim syniad a fyddai unrhywun yn troi allan... roedd y siop fach yn orlawn, (ro'n i wedi gwahodd pawb o'n i'n nabod), a'r awduron wedi'i sgwasho i gornel yng nghefn y siop i berfformio. Mi wnaethom redeg allan o win a diod ysgafn, ond cafwyd noson lwyddiannus iawn, a'r awduron i gyd yn hapus (dw i'n meddwl) a'r gynulleidfa wedi gwerthfawroi'r cyfle i glywed awduron yn siarad am eu llyfrau.

20 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, ac mae Sugar and Slate yn cael ai ail-gyhoeddi, ac mae'n teimlo'n amserol iawn i groesawu Charlotte yn ôl i drafod ei hunangofiant a enillodd Llyfr y Flwyddyn yn 2003.

One of the very first events I organised in Palas Print was an event including Charlotte Williams, author of Sugar and Slate, a book which made a deep impression on me when I first read it in 2002. The event was not well organised (at my end). There was no PA, no chairs for the audience, no stage... I had no idea if anyone would come along... the little shop we had then was so full we had to keep the front door open, and the authors were squashed into a corner at the back to perform. Needless to say, the authors were better prepared than I was, and it was a great event, despite running out of wine and soft drinks. And I think we proved there was an audience for such events in Caernarfon.

20 years later, Sugar and Slate is back in print, and it feels very timely to invite Charlotte back to Palas Print to discuss her book, which won the Wales Book of the Year in 2003

"I grew up in a small Welsh town amongst people with pale faces, feeling that somehow to be half Welsh and half Afro-Caribbean was always to be half of something but never quite anything whole at all. I grew up in a world of mixed messages about belonging, about home and about identity." Charlotte Williams


Gerddi'r Emporiwm Palas Print
Adar mewn ffuglen a ffaith
Jon ag Onwy Gower

Dydd Iau - Thursday 15 - 09 - 22

Palas Print
The Very Rough Guide to Wales
Mike Parker

Ugain mlynedd yn ôl, tra mod i'n trio dysgu sut i redeg siop lyfrau, roedd Mike Parker yn gorffen ei cyfnod o ddegawd o sgwennu a golygu The Rough Guide to Wales. Roedd y gwahaniaeth rhwng y fersiwn hwnnw o'r wlad a'r wlad go iawn yn mynd yn rhy fawr iddo, ac ers hynny mae wedi trafod sut mae o'n gweld y wlad ar y teledu ac ar y radio, acf wedi sgwennu amdano mewn llyfrau fel On the Red Hill, Neighbours from Hell?, The Greasy Poll a Map Addict. Mae Mike wedi bod yn gefnogol iawn i ni ar hyd y blynyddoedd, ac wedi cymryd rhan mewn sawl digwyddiad yn y siop ac yn Gwyl Arall, a braf yw ei wahodd yn ôl i roi sgwrs gyda lluniau i ni sy'n wibdaith trwy Gymru sy'n newid - y Gymru go iawn! Neu mor real ag sy'n bosib i unrhywun ei gael...

Twenty years ago, while I was trying to learn how to run a bookshop, Mike Parker was finishing a decade as the inaugural author of The Rough Guide to Wales. The gap between that version of the country and the real one was getting too wide for him, and since then he’s talked about the nation as he sees it on TV and radio, and written about it in books such as On the Red Hill, Neighbours from Hell?, The Greasy Poll and Map Addict. Mike has been a constant supporter of what we try to do in the shop, and has taken part in countless events in the shop and in Gwyl Arall. It is a pleasure to welcome him back again. This entertaining illustrated talk will be a whistlestop tour of a changing Wales - the real one!  Or as real as anyone can get it...

Dydd Sadwrn - Saturday 17 - 09 - 22

Palas Print
The Half-Life of Snails
Philippa Holloway

Da ni'n aml yn cael cais, gan gyhoeddwr, gan awdur, gan gerddor, gan gwsmer neu gan ffrind, i drefnu digwyddiad yn y siop, ac ar hyd y blynyddoedd, lle bo'n addas a phosib, da ni wedi trio'n gorau i groesawu a galluogi eraill i ddefnyddio'r gofod i gynnal digwyddiad. Felly pan wnaeth ffrind i Sel a'r siop ofyn fysa ni'n fodlon trefnu digwyddiad gyda Philippa Holloway ar ôl iddo'i chlywed hi'n siarad, wel dyma benderfynu ei gwahodd i'r siop i son am y nofel, The Half-Life of Snails. Dewch i glywed yr awdur yn siarad am ei nofel sy wedi ei osod yn rhannol yn Ynys Môn ac am yr ymchwil a wnaeth yn Wcrain ac ym Mhrydain wrth fynd ati i sgwennu am ddwy ochr y ddadl niwclear.

We're often asked, by publishers, authors, musicians, customers and friends, to host events in the shop, and over the years, where appropriate and possible, we've done our best to open our space up to others. So, when a friend asked if we'd consider organising an event with Philippa Holloway after he'd heard her speak, it seemed appropriate to invite her to give a talk about her nofel, The Half-Life of Snails. Philippa will talk about her novel, partly set on Anglesey, and her research, which took her to various parts of Britain and Ukraine, as she explores both sides of the nuclear argument.


Palas Print
Sioned Erin Hughes

Past Events

18 - 06 - 22
Sadwrn / Saturday
Palas Print, Am ddim / Free

Poetry in Transatlantic Translation

We're pleased to welcome back
Víctor Rodríguez Núñez
one of today's most outstanding Cuban poets.
with Grug Muse & Iestyn Tyne
Katherine M. Hedeen Translator
Toronto Experimental Translation Collective

Cuban poet Víctor Rodríguez Núñez  and his translator Katherine M. Hedeen come full circle back to Palas Print, Caaernarfon where they read ten years ago while working on an anthology of Welsh poetry (in both languages) translated into Spanish. That anthology, Nuestra tierra de nadie, has since been published in Mexico and Colombia. Víctor will read and discuss his own poetry, read in English translation by Katherine Hedeen. They will be joined by special guests from Canada, Toronto Experimental Translation Collective

19 - 11 - 21
Palas Print
Book Launch

The Long Field
Pamela Petro
in conversation with Mike Parker

You must register beforehand
Live Event Only FREE
or phone 01286 674631

Live Event and Book £20.00

17/09/21, 6:00pm
Live book launch

Booking essential

18/09/21, 5:30pm
Live and Virtual book launch

Booking essential

10/06/21, 7.30pm

Palas Print and Honno Welsh Women's Press present

A virtual evening to celebrate publication of Emmet and Me with author Sara Gethin and Mairéad Hearne. Sara, previously shortlisted for the Not the Booker and Waverton Good Read Award, is live with Mairéad Hearne, the hugely popular Swirl and Thread Book Blogger. Emmet and Emmet and Me, is a deeply affecting story of two young children in 1960s Connemara. It vividly evokes the harsh conditions in Ireland’s controversial industrial schools, as well as telling the story of a life-changing friendship.

Thursday, June 10th, 7.30pm
A Live Stream Event
Free access to the event when you buy a signed (bookplate) copy from Palas Print
or £3 for the event only

Event and book £8.99 Event only £3 Book only £8.99

Previous Events

A number of virtual events were held as a part of Indie Bookshop Week and below is a recording of the events, Enjoy.

Casia Wiliam | Sw Sara Mai

Sw Sara Mai
Casia Wiliam


Mike Parker | On the Red Hill
in conversation with Jon Gower

On the Red Hill
Mike Parker


Jon Gower | The Murenger

The Murenger
Jon Gower


Bet Jones | Perl

Bet Jones
