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Raymond Williams Centenary

Who Speaks for Wales
Raymond Williams

A new and fully-updated centenary edition of Raymond Williams’s seminal collection of essays on nationhood and cultural identity, Who Speaks for Wales?


Warrior's Tale
Dai Smith

Raymond Williams oedd y meddyliwr a'r llenor sosialaidd mwyaf dylanwadol ym Mhrydain wedi'r Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae'r bywgraffiad hwn yn elwa ar ddarlleniad o bapurau preifat a phapurau nas cyhoeddwyd gan y gwrthrych, ac yn ei osod yng nghyd-destun y tirwedd cymdeithasol a diwylliedig eang.


Border Country
Raymond Williams

When railway signalman Harry Price suddenly suffers a stroke his son Matthew, a lecturer in London, makes a return to the border village of Glynmawr. As Matthew and Harry struggle with their memories of social and personal change, a beautiful and moving portrait of the love between a father and son emerges. Reprint.


The Country and the City
Raymond Williams

Our collective notion of the city and country is irresistibly powerful. The city as the seat of enlightenment, sophistication, power and greed is in profound contrast with an innocent, peaceful, backward countryside. Examining literature since the sixteenth century, Williams traces the development of our conceptions of these two traditional poles of life. His groundbreaking study casts the country and city as central symbols for the social and economic changes associated with capitalist development.


The Volunteers
Raymond Williams

Nofel am ddyn sy'n cael ei ladd yn streic y glowyr yn ne Cymru. Rai misoedd yn ddiweddar, caiff gweinidog y llywodraeth sy'n cael ei amau o fod yn gysylltiedig â'r farwolaeth, ei saethu. Mae'r nofel yn ein hatgoffa am y gwrthdaro rhwng dewis moesol a theyrngarwch gwleidyddol.


Culture and Materialism
Raymond Williams

A comprehensive introduction to the work of one of the outstanding intellectuals of the twentieth century. Raymond Williams is a towering presence in cultural studies, most importantly as the founder of the approach that has come to be known as "cultural materialism." Yet Williams' method was always open-ended and fluid, and this volume collects together his most significant work from over a twenty-year period in which he wrestled with the concepts of materialism and culture and their interrelationship.


Culture and Society
Raymond Williams

Acknowledged as a masterpiece of materialist criticism, this book delves into the complex ways economic reality shapes the imagination. Surveying two hundred years of history and English literature - from George Eliot to George Orwell - Williams provides insights into the social and economic forces that have shaped British culture and society. Provocative and revolutionary in its day, this work overturned conventional thinking about the development of a common British mentality.


Politics and Letters
Raymond Williams

Raymond Williams has made a central contribution to the culture of the Left in the English-speaking world. Politics and Letters is a volume of interviews with Williams, conducted by members of the New Left Review editorial committee, that is designed to bring into clear focus the major theoretical and political issues posed by his work. Introduced by novelist Geoff Dyer, Politics and Letters ranges across his biographical development, the evolution of his cultural theory and literary criticism, his work on dramatic forms and his fiction, and an exploration of British and international politics.


Politics of Modernism
Raymond Williams

Considered to be the founding father of British cultural theory, Williams was concerned throughout his life to apply a materialist and socialist analysis to all forms of culture, defined generously and inclusively as "structures of feeling." In this major work, Williams applies himself to the problem of modernism. Rejecting stereotypes and simplifications, he is especially preoccupied with the ambivalent relationship between revolutionary socialist politics and the artistic avant-garde. Judiciously assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the modernist project, Williams shifts the framework of discussion from merely formal analysis of artistic techniques to one which grounds these cultural expressions in particular social formations. Animating the whole book is the question which Williams poses and brings us significantly closer to answering: namely, what does it mean to develop a cultural analysis that goes "beyond the modern" and yet avoids the trap of postmodernism's "new conformism"?


The Raymond Williams Collection: A Report

A report relating to the project to bring to view unpublished manuscripts, notebooks, letters, diaries and papers that the academic writer and novelist Raymond Williams left in part discarded or neglected.


A Vocabulary of Culture and Society
Raymond Williams

Raymond Williams' seminal exploration of the history of meaning of some of the most important words in the English language.

First published in 1976, and expanded in 1983, KEYWORDS reveals how the meanings of 131 words - including 'art', 'class', 'family', 'media', 'sex' and 'tradition' - were formed and subsequently altered and redefined as the historical contexts in which they were used changed.

Neither a defining dictionary or glossary, KEYWORDS is rather a brilliant investigation into how the meanings of some of the most important words in the English language have shifted over time, and the forces that brought about those shifts.
