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Llyfrau i blant

Mae'n iawn bod yn wahanol

Bwriad Mae'n Iawn bod yn Wahanol ydy ysbrydoli plant (ac oedolion!) i ddathlu'r gwahaniaethau rhwng un plentyn a'r llall, a thrwy hynny dderbyn pawb fel y maen nhw a meithrin hunanhyder.


My shadow is pink



In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of RuPaul, the shape-shifter, performer, supermodel and host of RuPaul's Drag Race. Even before little Ru was born, a fortune teller told his mum that he would one day be famous… It was only a matter of time before he figured out how.


Byd Frankie

Nofel graffig onest a doniol gan yr awdur a'r darlunydd awtistig Aoife Dooley. 'Frankie ydw i. Dwi'n hoffi celf, pizza a cherddoriaeth roc. Fi ydy'r byrraf yn y dosbarth ac mae rhai'n dweud 'mod i'n siarad gormod. Waeth beth wna i, dwi'n wahanol, mae hynny'n ffaith. Oherwydd 'mod i'n alien, efallai? Mae'n bosib bod yr atebion gan fy nhad, os galla i ddod o hyd iddo.'


Laverne Cox

In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Laverne Cox, the actress and trans pioneer. As a kid, Laverne felt different. Even though she felt like a girl, she wasn't allowed to live her life as a girl.


Popeth am Amrywiaeth

Addasiad dwyieithog gan Bethan Mai Jones o’r llyfr All About Diversity gan Felicity Brooks. Dyma lyfr sy'n helpu plant i ddeall ac ymfalchio (nid bod yn 'oddefgar' yn unig) mewn gwahaniaethau o bob math, gan ddatblygu hunanhyder a chan hyrwyddo cymdeithas gyfartal a theg sydd, yn ei dro, yn cefnogi datblygiad, addysg a lles pob plentyn.


Pobl Ifanc

Being an Ally

As an ally you use your power - no matter how big or small - to support others. You learn, and try, and mess up, and try harder. In this collection of true stories, 7 critically acclaimed and bestselling YA authors get real about being an ally, needing an ally, and showing up for friends and strangers.These authors share their truths. They invite you to think about your own experiences


Heartstopper 1

Now a live-action Netflix series!* Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. Heartstopper is the bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel: this new edition - with a cover including Alice Oseman's artwork and photographs showing characters from the Netflix show - also contains exclusive pages from Alice's original TV scripts.


Y Pump: Robyn

Dyma'r bedwaredd o bum nofel yng nghyfres Y Pump. Mae Robyn ym Mlwyddyn 11 yn Ysgol Gyfun Llwyd, ac ar fin cychwyn ar daith i ddod i adnabod ei hunan go iawn. Ond a fydd pawb ym mywyd Robyn yn fodlon ymuno yn y daith?


Queer a Graphic History

'Queer: A Graphic History Could Totally Change the Way You Think About Sex and Gender' Vice Activist-academic Meg-John Barker and cartoonist Jules Scheele illuminate the histories of queer thought and LGBTQ+ action in this groundbreaking non-fiction graphic novel.


Tu ôl i'r Awyr

Dyma nofel arloesol gan awdur ifanc talentog. Mae'n dilyn taith dau gymeriad yn eu harddegau hwyr, Deian ac Anest, a'u perthynas ryfeddol drwy angst eu bywydau. Mae'n nofel sy'n mynd i wneud i chi chwerthin yn uchel, crio, a synnu gan ddawn anhygoel Megan Hunter i dreiddio'n ddwfn i feddyliau dau gymeriad a fydd yn aros yn y cof am amser hir.


Storiau Dod Allan

Addasiad Cymraeg o Personal Experiences of Coming Out from Across the LGBTQ+ Spectrum, a seiliwyd ar y podcast poblogaidd 'Coming Out Stories'. Cyfrol ysbydoledig yn cynnwys straeon gwir a chynghorion defnyddiol.



Hope is the thing with Feathers

One of American's most distinctive poets, Emily Dickinson scorned the conventions of her day in her approach to writing, religion, and society. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers is a collection of her vast archive of poetry to inspire the writers, creatives, and feminists of today.


Cofiannau ac Arall

Y Daith Ydi Adra

Cyfieithiad Sian Northey o hunangofiant John Sam Jones am fyw bywyd ar y ffin, rhwng gwirionedd a chelwydd, rhwng gwrthodiad a derbyniad. O'i blentyndod ar arfordir Cymru i gyfnod cythryblus yn fyfyriwr is-raddedig ym mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, aeth ymlaen i ennill ysgoloriaeth yng Ngholeg Berkley yn San Francisco wrth i haint AIDS ddechrau gafael yn y gymdeithas.


Jan Morris

Cafodd Jan Morris, un o lenorion taith pennaf Prydain, fywyd hynod. Mae'r adargraffiad hwn o gyfrol a gyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn 1974, yn cofnodi, mewn modd gonest a gafaelgar, boen a llawenydd taith yr awdures wrth iddi drawsnewid o fod yn wryw i fod yn fenyw.


Don't ask about my Genitals

Nid yw'r gyfrol hon yn trafod pob agwedd ar y gymuned hoyw a thrawsrywiol, a'u bywydau byrlymus ac amrywiol, ond bydd ei darllen yn cynnig gwybodaeth ac yn eich arfogi i fod yn gefnogol. Wedi'r cyfan, addysg yw gelyn pennaf rhagfarn.


Welsh [Plural]

A yw perthyn i Gymru yn arwahanol ac yn gynhwysol? Yn y gyfrol hon, mae llenorion yn ystyried dyfodol Cymru a'u lle hwythau ynddo. I lawer, mae meddwl am Gymru yn dwyn y delweddau arferol - rygbi, defaid a chennin - i'r meddwl, neu gestyll, glo a chorau! Mae'n wir bod treftadaeth, mwyngloddio a chrefydd yn annatod yn niwylliant Cymru. Ond a oes elfennau eraill?


The Journey is Home

Hunangofiant clir a gafaelgar John Sam Jones am fyw bywyd ar y ffin, rhwng gwirionedd a chelwydd, rhwng gwrthodiad a derbyniad. O'i blentyndod ar arfordir Cymru i gyfnod cythryblus yn fyfyriwr is-raddedig ym mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, aeth ymlaen i ennill ysgoloriaeth yng Ngholeg Berkley yn San Francisco wrth i haint AIDS ddechrau gafael yn y gymdeithas.


Great LGBTQ+ Speeches

Discover the inspiring voices that have changed our world, and started a new conversation.

A sister title to Great Women's Speeches (2021), and the pocket edition of Loud and Proud (2020), Great Queer Speeches is a pioneering collection of over 40 empowering and influential speeches that chart the history of the LGBTQ+ movement.



In 1972, the rock'n'roll messiah ZIGGY STARDUST was born. His provocative play on sexual identity and gender roles laid the foundation for David Bowie's ascent to becoming one of the most successful pop musicians of all time. Reinhard Kleist's STARMAN weaves the gripping tale of this outrageous character's genesis, rise, and fall, as well as of David Bowie's hapless efforts in the London music scene before Ziggy's arrival, and of the struggles he experienced with his own creation at the height of his fame.


None of the Above

Profound and funny' SHON FAYE'Will challenge, empower and move your soul' Glamour'Lucid and glorious' YRSA DALEY-WARD__________In None of the Above, Travis Alabanza examines seven phrases people have directed at them as a Black, mixed race, non-binary person. Some are deceptively innocuous, some deliberately loaded or offensive, some celebratory; sentences that have impacted them for better and for worse; sentences that speak to the broader issues raised by a world that insists that gender must be a binary. Through these seven phrases, Travis Alabanza turns a mirror back on society, giving us reason to question the very framework in which we live and the ways we treat each other.


A Short History of Queer Women

Queer women have been written out of history since, well, forever. 'But historians famously care about women!', said no one. From Anne Bonny and Mary Read who sailed the seas together disguised as pirates, to US football captain Megan Rapinoe declaring 'You can't win a championship without gays on your team', via countless literary salons and tuxedos, A Short History of Queer Women sets the record straight on women who have loved other women through the ages.


Queer Wales

Cyfrol sy'n agor trafodaeth bwysig wrth edrych ar agweddau gwahanol ar amrywiaethau ym maes rhywioldeb, diwylliant a gwleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru.


Queer Square Mile

Cyfrol sy'n torri tir newydd wrth drafod traddodiad llenyddiaeth a dyfodd o'r gymuned hoyw a thrawsrywiol yng Nghymru. O fewn y traddodiad mae straeon ysbryd a gwyddonias ynghyd â llenyddiaeth ddiwydiannol a moderniaeth swrealaidd, a cheir ynddynt straeon am gariad, colled a thrawsnewidiad.


A Short History of Queer Women

Mae'r gyfrol hon yn archwilio bywydau, diwylliannau a gwleidyddiaeth gwŷr a gwragedd Lesbiaidd, Hoyw, Deurywiol a Thraws o'r cyfnod canoloesol hyd at y cyfnod diweddar. Defnyddir ymchwil archifol arloesol i adnabod yr unigolion, y llefydd a'r ieithoedd a fu ar waith yn disgrifio profiad a gadwyd ynghudd mor aml.


Neon Roses

Mae Eluned Hughes yn teimlo caethiwed byw yn un o gymoedd de Cymru yn 1984. Mae streic y glowyr yn anrheithio ei chymuned, mae ei chwaer wedi dianc gyda phlismon Thatcheraidd ac mae ei chariad Lloyd yn mynnu sôn am briodi o hyd. O'r Cymoedd i glybiau nos Caerdydd, dyma stori gynnes, ddoniol ac ychydig yn fras-gwiar am ddod i oed yn sain cyffrous caneuon yr 80au.



Blodeugerdd o lenyddiaeth LHDTQ+,
sydd i'w gyhoeddi ym mis Gorffennaf.


Young Mungo

They are caught between two of Glasgow's housing estates, where young working-class men divide themselves along sectarian lines, and fight territorial battles for the sake of reputation. They should be sworn enemies if they're to be seen as men at all, and yet they become best friends as they find a sanctuary in the doocot that James has built for his prize racing pigeons. As they begin to fall in love, they dream of escaping the grey city, and Mungo must work hard to hide his true self from all those around him, especially from his elder brother Hamish, a local gang leader with a brutal reputation to uphold.



I was born twice: first, as a baby girl, on a remarkably smogless Detroit day of January 1960; and then again, as a teenage boy, in an emergency room near Petoskey, Michigan, in August of l974.' So begins the breathtaking story of Calliope Stephanides and her truly unique family secret, born on the slopes of Mount Olympus and passed on through three generations. Growing up in 70s Michigan, Calliope's special inheritance will turn her into Cal, the narrator of this intersex, inter-generational epic of immigrant life in 20th century America. Middlesex won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.


Gallwch eu prynu yma, neu cysylltwch ar ebost i holi am lyfrau eraill...