
All through the night

Why darkness is so important - to plants, to animals, and to ourselves - and why we must protect it all costs. Darkness is the first thing we know in our human existence. Safe and warm inside the bubble of the womb, we are comfortable in that embracing dark. But as soon as we are bought into the light, we learn to fear the dark. Why? This book is a celebration of all things that go bump in the night and the joy that can be found when the sun goes down. As a society we have closed our curtains to the darkness, now Dani Robertson urges you to cast those curtains wide, step out of your front door and let the darkness pull you in.



THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE 2023 PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTIONLONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2022ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S FAVOURITE BOOKS OF 2022Trust is a sweeping puzzle of a novel about power, greed, love and a search for the truth that begins in 1920s New York. Can one person change the course of history?A Wall Street tycoon takes a young woman as his wife. Together, they rise to the top in an age of excess and speculation. Now a novelist is threatening to reveal the secrets behind their marriage. Who will have the final word in their story of greed, love and betrayal?Composed of four competing versions of this deliciously deceptive tale, Trust by Hernan Diaz brings us on a quest for truth while confronting the lies that often live buried in the human heart. 'One of the great puzzle-box novels . . . a page-turner' - The Telegraph'Genius' - The Observer'Radiant, profound and moving' - Lauren Groff, author of Matrix'Metafiction at its best, unpredictable, clever and massively enjoyable' - The Sunday Times'Enthralling' - Daily Mail

Satsuma complex

Neon roses

Mae Eluned Hughes yn teimlo caethiwed byw yn un o gymoedd de Cymru yn 1984. Mae streic y glowyr yn anrheithio ei chymuned, mae ei chwaer wedi dianc gyda phlismon Thatcheraidd ac mae ei chariad Lloyd yn mynnu sôn am briodi o hyd. O'r Cymoedd i glybiau nos Caerdydd, dyma stori gynnes, ddoniol ac ychydig yn fras-gwiar am ddod i oed yn sain cyffrous caneuon yr 80au.

Women who blow on knots

Stori fyrlymus am bedair gwraig ar daith yn ystod y Gwanwyn Arabaidd. Dyma ffenomenon lenyddol yn Nhwrci a werthodd dros 120,000 o gopïau.

Shaping the wild

Yn aml, ystyrir dulliau ffermio yn rhai niweidiol i fyd natur a'r amgylchedd, yn creu gwrthdaro rhwng y rhai sydd am warchod bywyd gwyllt a ffermwyr sy'n dibynnu ar y tir. Yn ei gyfrol gyntaf, afaelgar, mae'r cadwriaethwr David Elias yn archwilio fferm unigol yn Eryri i ddarganfod yr hyn y gellir ei ddysgu am wironedd anodd cyfuno ffermio mynydd a gofalu am fyd natur.

Young Mungo

They are caught between two of Glasgow's housing estates, where young working-class men divide themselves along sectarian lines, and fight territorial battles for the sake of reputation. They should be sworn enemies if they're to be seen as men at all, and yet they become best friends as they find a sanctuary in the doocot that James has built for his prize racing pigeons. As they begin to fall in love, they dream of escaping the grey city, and Mungo must work hard to hide his true self from all those around him, especially from his elder brother Hamish, a local gang leader with a brutal reputation to uphold.


Mae nofel gyntaf yr awdures Caryl Lewis yn yr iaith Saesneg yn llawn awyrgylch cyfrin. Dyma stori gariad am ferch ifanc o Gymraes a mapiwr o Syria. Mae'r testun yn gyfoethog o ran hud, dirgelwch a swyn y môr.

Turning Tide

Emyn mawl i lwybr morol o bwysigrwydd hanesyddol drwy'r byd yw The Turning Tide. Mae Jon Gower, wrth gyfuno hanes diwylliannol a chymdeithasol, llenyddiaeth natur a thaith ynghyd â gwleidyddiaeth, yn cyflwyno hanes y môr rhwng Cymru ac Iwerddon, môr a gariodd Lychlynwyr a seintiau, lluoedd goresgynnol a herwyr arfog, llenorion, cerddorion a physgotwyr.

Brittle with relics

Cyfrol flaengar sy'n adrodd hanes pobl Cymru mewn cyfnod o newid mawr yw Brittle with Relics. Cofnodir digwyddiadau trawsnewidiol megis trychinebau Aberfan a Thryweryn; twf mudiad yr iaith Gymraeg; Streic y Glöwyr a'r cyfnod a'i dilynodd; a'r bleidlais agos dros ddatganoli rhannol.

Creative act

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERMany famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day and then ages out. Rick Rubin is known for something else: creating a space where artists of all different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. He has made a practice of helping people transcend their self-imposed expectations in order to reconnect with a state of innocence from which the surprising becomes inevitable. Over the years, as he has thought deeply about where creativity comes from and where it doesn't, he has learned that being an artist isn't about your specific output; it's about your relationship to the world. Creativity has a place in everyone's life, and everyone can make that place larger. In fact, there are few more important responsibilities. The Creative Act is a beautiful and generous course of study that illuminates the path of the artist as a road we all can follow. It distils the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime's work into a luminous reading experience that puts the power to create moments - and lifetimes - of exhilaration and transcendence within closer reach for all of us.

Half-Life of Snails

Dwy chwaer, dwy atomfa niwclear, un plentyn wedi'i ddal yn y canol ... Pan fo Helen yn gadael ei mab ifanc Jack yng ngofal ei chwaer am ychydig ddyddiau er mwyn iddi hithau ymweld â Pharth Cau Allan Chernobyl, gŵyr y ddwy y bydd hwn yn gyfnod pryderus. Mae Helen yn wrthwynebus i gynlluniau i godi ail bwerdy ar arfodir Ynys Môn ar dir y fferm deuluol.

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